Gnome users who have tried KDE: convince me!

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at
Tue Dec 29 08:45:10 UTC 2009

On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 23:14:32 -0500, Scott wrote:

>> I would agree with you if I had a reason to constantly fit them nicely
>> side by side, but I don't. :-)
> I never asked you to agree with me :), I was simply stating my
> annoyances with Nautilus. I understand some people want a very simple
> file manager like Windows Explorer and I respect that, but I don't want
> that and a split screen button can be added and it would not effect your
> experience at all.

Ofcourse it does. If it wouldn't, the term "bloatware" wouldn't exist.

>> Ofcourse, in case of emergency, you could create a 2-line script to run
>> Nautilus twice with a fixed size and position, and put the script in
>> your menus instead of nautilus itself. Something like this:
> I have written that script already, but I consider it annoying that I
> need to write a script for something that could be a single button in a
> program.  A script I would never expect a new computer user like my wife
> to use.  So, I am forced to put the script on her desktop and every
> other person I help

Forced by who or what? Can't you help other people without that script?

> when I could instead simply tell them to click a
> button in the program.  Also, I don't like these small nautilus scripts
> taking up very valuable space on my desktop when they should be in the
> program.

But the script doesn't have to be on your desktop at all.

>  A script that needs to open up multiple instances of the same
> program when I could have only one instance of the program running and
> doing the same thing.

You don't open up multiple instances of the same program. It's one program 
(one process) using multiple windows. If you open two documents in GIMP or 
OpenOffice, for example, you don't open two instances of the program 

Regards, Robert                            

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