Nautilus changes the root window background when Places menu invoked. Was: Gnome users who have tried KDE: convince me!

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Tue Dec 29 07:35:43 UTC 2009

On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 23:33:43 +0100
Florian Diesch <diesch at> wrote in another thread:

> "Cybe R. Wizard" <cyber_wizard at> writes:
> > One feature I despise about Gnome is that, when I open nautilus, it
> > replaces my carefully-picked wallpaper with the ugly brown
> > background of Ubuntu and I then have to kill the X windowing system
> > to get it back. 

I find that I can <gksu gps> and kill root's nautilus from there
instead of killing the window manager.
> Either tell nautilus not to draw the background (set
> /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop to False - but then Nautilus
> will not show any icons on the desktop)

That worked but I find that for it to function I am having to
open it gksu, not as my user. It seems that the problem is that my,
"Places," menu item now inexplicably needs to be run as root to access
my home directory or anything else other than, "Computer."
That isn't the case if I try accessing my home directory any other
way.  It seems to be directly involved with the menu way to get to,
"Places," which I can't find elsewhere.
Where does one configure this?  I've searched my /home/cybe dot files,
the gconf-editor settings for nautilus and gnome-panel and found
nothing helpful.

I think the problem lies with permissions to my, "Places," menu
somehow, but as usual, I may be wrong.  (probably am)

> or set
> /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename to the wallaper you want
> (right clicking on the desktop gets you a GUI for this)

Heh, that was set to warty-final.png or something equally ridiculous.

Perhaps I should have mentioned that I am using compiz set to render my
wallpaper, not metacity or Gnome.
>    Florian

Cybe R. Wizard
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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