How to prevent changing UUIDs on install?

Goh Lip g.lip at
Mon Dec 28 09:09:22 UTC 2009

On 28/12/09 16:16, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> It seems I don't understand your problem. What exactly are you looking
>> for?
> I often have multiple bootable installations in different partitions
> on a single computer. When the UUID changes, the other installations
> can no longer access the partition in which the new install lives, and
> Grub can no longer boot it.

As Res earlier mentioned, in fstab, you can use /dev/sdax instead of 
UUID=; personally, I prefer LABEL=.

As for grub, even if UUID does not change, you've to update each time 
when there are kernel updates in other OS as well; otherwise, it'll boot 
up using the older kernel. For grub-legacy, 'update-grub'; for grub2, 
'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg' and any UUID change is factored 
into it as well. So I think keeping UUID the same has minimal 
advantages. But that's for you to call.

Happy Holidays,
Goh Lip

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