Installing lists of packages from aptitude

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sun Dec 27 21:09:04 UTC 2009

> How can one install all the packages returned from an Aptitude search?
> For instance, all the KDE *-dbg packages? I see that these are
> available:

> $ aptitude search dbg | grep kde

> Now, which command will be "sudo apt-get install <a list of items in
> the second column>"?

> Note that my goal here is not to get the debug packages installed, but
> rather to learn how to work with the output of Aptitude. Thanks in
> advance.

You can either use awk or cut to select the package names and feed
them into an "aptitude install" or change apt/aptitude's
"Aptitude::UI::Package-Display-Format" and
"Aptitude::UI::Package-Status-Format" to return only package names and
feed that into an "aptitude install".

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