File permissions?

nepal (PO) nepal.roade at
Sat Dec 26 14:10:55 UTC 2009

On Friday 25 Dec 2009 18:28:20 Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> Is there a special reason why the files have to be located there?
>  For most tasks, your personal files should be located somewhere in
>  your home directory (home folder), called $HOME, which is an
>  environment variable containing the address of your home folder.
>  The ”~” means the same thing. So ~/MyFolder is the same thing as
>  $HOME/MyFolder, which is the same thing as /home/Jim/MyFolder if
>  your user name is Jim. If you still want to place your file at
>  /usr/share/jedit/modes you have to do it with root permissions,
>  unless you want to change the owner of the folder.

This is incorrect.

In a console type in "echo $HOME" not including the quotes and it will 
show the *full* path to your home folder which is /home/_username_.

$HOME is an environment variable set up for each user of the system.


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