Upgrade 9.04 -> 9.10 seems to have broken all init.d scripts

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 20:45:55 UTC 2009

>> I recently used upgrade manager to upgrade Xubuntu 9.04 to Xubuntu 9.10. The first thing I noticed
>> was that the network wasn't turned on. Being in a rush, I just stuck some code in rc.local to turn
>> it on, but that didn't work either, so on logging in I ran the rc.local script by hand. Other things
>> didn't seem quite right either (ntp wasn't running). Nothing that I have tried seems to make these
>> come up at boot time, and I cannot find ANY log messages about these scripts. In fact, extra output
>> from the scripts doesn't seem to happen.

>> I finally deduced that none of the scripts were being run. Any hints on how to fix this?

> My system has lots of stuff installed, and worked just fine at 9.04. Does anyone know how to find out
> and remedy why none of the init scripts are now being run under 9.10? Doing a fresh install is not
> a viable option at this time.

Are the scripts that are not running from just one of the init-script
directories? (/etc/event.d, /etc/init, /etc/init.d)

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