TV, nvidia, and Ubuntu 9.10

R Kimber richardkimber at
Fri Dec 25 18:31:38 UTC 2009

I'm trying to get a Hauppage PVR 350 working, but I'm not succeeding, using
xawtv, tvtime, or kdetv (Mythtv is too complicated for my purposes: I
just want a simple app that will take a few screenshots).

Am I right that tv apps won't work with the current nvidia driver (I have
7600 GT card) ?   If not, I'd appreciate any link to a *detailed* recipe for
getting one to work with the PVR 350 - much of the documentation I've seen
so far is rather general and assumes knowledge I don't have.

If it is known not to work (and googling has implied there might be
problems) can anyone recommend a graphics card with which the PVR 350 will
work, along with one of the tv apps, *out of the box*?

Alternatively, and perhaps more conveniently, is there a TV card that will
work *out of the box* with an nvidia 7600 GT card, and current driver,
together with xawtx, or tvtime?

I stress *out of the box* because I've invested a *lot* of time trying to
get things working and don't feel able to spend more time on it - I've
got to the stage where I'm prepared to throw money at the problem!

- Richard.
Richard Kimber
Political Science Resources

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