
Fred Roller froller at
Fri Dec 25 13:18:01 UTC 2009

Roger Futter wrote:
> No doubt there are many on the list who, like me, are mere browsers, 
> incapable of providing any worthwhile assistance but use the list as a 
> means of increasing their knowledge. Oftimes not understanding the 
> query let alone the solution.
>  At this season of goodwill it seems appropriate that thanks should be 
> offered to all those contributors to the list  who have provided so 
> much help to so many. The reward for all this time and effort, only 
> the satisfaction of knowing they have been of assistance.
> I/we thank you.
> Rog.
> -- 
>   Roger Futter
>   rfutter at

Happy Holidays everyone.


"Life is like linux, simple.  If you are fighting it you are doing something wrong."

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