
Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Thu Dec 24 12:01:32 UTC 2009

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 11:54 AM, ramesh gandhi <ramesh.ubuntu at> wrote:
> 1)How to run .exe files in Ubuntu.????????

chmod +x <filename> to ensure the execute bit is set.

If, on the other hand you mean can you run Windows executable binaries
under linux then the answer is yes and you should be using something
like Wine (a Windows emulator)

> 2)When i am using ubuntu with Mozilla browser, It is very slow and doesnt
> open the orkut pages. Why?????????

Only one question mark is required. Lack of RAM in your machine or a
generally slow connection speed. Without information like your machine
specs, what version of OS you're using, what your ISP connection speed
is and so forth, we can't really help with anything other than

> and also the internet is some more slowwww.......................

"slow". What is your connection speed to your ISP? Have you tried
running some speed-tests and tracerouting to the servers you're
finding to be slow?

When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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