Need to recover from an ID-10-T error.
ubuntu at
Thu Dec 24 04:21:17 UTC 2009
> and the one I edited was not the right one.
> Let me go searching some.
> Any ideas how I can get to the partitions through the terminal? I'd rather do that than keep working with the GUI that seems to be directing me somewhere else...
When you boot from the live cd, (you need to do this before clicking on
any gui links that will mount the paritions)
sudo -s
mkdir /mnt/boot /mnt/root
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda4 /mnt/root
Also, sorry to be a broken record, but after those commands successfully
complete, I'll neet a listing of files found under /mnt/boot and also,
the contents of /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst file (if there is one)
Also, try making a change to the /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst and see if that
time, the change gets applied to your boot menu.
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