Need to recover from an ID-10-T error.

Rashkae ubuntu at
Thu Dec 24 02:22:12 UTC 2009

> You might have to forget what I wrote earlier... Grub error 15, from
> what i can google, indicates that grub is loading but unable to find the
> file called for in the boot definition.  If possible, can you provide to
> us the contents of your menu.lst file as well as a directory listing of
> of your boot partition?  (Mount it in a live cd enviroment, and ls >
> /mnt/usbstick/boot.txt, for example)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Rashkae,
> I could send the menu.lst, but it's verbose. Do you still want it?

Yes please.

I see from your file list that you have kernel 2.6.24-25 istalled, but
no corresponding initrd file.  (possibly because of the out of disk
space message you were getting?)  If your menu.lst file is trying to
boot that kernel, we have found your problem.

> I've not yet found out how to get to the HD from the terminal when booted from a CD, so I cannot ls /boot for you. From the GUI I see:
> abi-2.6.24-24-generic
> abi-2-6.24-25-generic
> config-2.6.24-24-generic
> config-2-6.24-25-generic
> initrd-imig-2.6.24-24-generic
> vmlinuz-2.6.24-24-generic
> vmlinuz-2-6.24-25-generic
> -John U

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