Simple Backup Config

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Wed Dec 23 19:23:08 UTC 2009

2009/12/23 NoOp <glgxg at>:
> On 12/22/2009 04:43 AM, Kipton Moravec wrote:
> ...
>> Look in the menu System -> Administration -> Simple Backup Config
>> That is where it is on 8.04 LTS. Do not see it installed in the default
>> 9.10.
> Please be aware that if not configured properly Simple Backup can easily
> fill your hard drive with backup files until you run out of space (check
> the archives).

What's the problem? If it happens, just erase your hard drive, change
your settings and try again. How hard can it be?
Of course I assume that when you try things like this the very first
times, you use an external EMPTY hard drive (or other kind of external

So maybe my suggestion earlier was totally wrong. Will this work?

Include: /
Exclude: /media


Include: /home, /var, /etc, /usr, /bin, /lib, /boot, /dev, /initrd,
/opt, /proc, /root, /sbin, /srv, /sys
Exclude: (Leave empty)

The second alternative won't backup files in /, but maybe those few
files are not very important.

Johnny Rosenberg

> So follow the instructions/docs carefully:
> <>
> [sbackup doesn't check for/prevent full disk - 2006 bug that still
> hasn't been fixed]
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