Linux dpkg Software Report

Mark C. Miller mr.mcmiller at
Wed Dec 23 15:06:07 UTC 2009

On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 21:25:20 -0800, Ray Parrish wrote:

> Hello,
> I hope I won't get flamed for this, but I have just completed my most
> ambitious script to date, and have completed the Linux dpkg Software
> Report script which takes output from dpkg, and formats it into html
> pages sorted by package section, such as Games, Editors, etc... and also
> generates an alphabetical index to the packages.
> All web urls, ftp urls, and emails in the dpkg output have been
> converted to clickable links, and there are links to each package's
> installed files lists, and configuration files lists, as well as any
> index.html files in that package's /usr/share/doc/packagename folders.
> I've released it as open source, and it is available at -
> <>
> There is also a sample output set from the script available for perusal
> linked on that page.
> Sorry if you consider this spam, it's not a technical question, but an
> announcement of something  I think could help some people learn their
> systems easier.
> Later, Ray Parrish

I'm not exactly a newbie, but close.  I've always used synaptic to 
download applications.  I'm really new to scripts.  I guess I need to 
know two things:

1.  What is a good directory to use to extract to?
2.  How do I execute a shell script?

I've been looking for something similar to the windows ability to tell 
you basic information about your system; this sounds like it will more 
than fill the bill.

tnx for your work on this.


Mark C. Miller, Indianapolis IN, USA

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