[ANNOUNCE] apt-offline 0.9.6 released

Ritesh Raj Sarraf rrs at researchut.com
Tue Dec 22 07:53:50 UTC 2009

Hello World,

I'm pleased to announce apt-offline version 0.9.6.

Release Highlights
* Major bug fixes

Please see the git log for full details.

apt-offline is an Offline APT Package Manager for APT based systems, i.e. mostly 
Debian and Debian derived distributions.
apt-offline can fully update/upgrade your disconnected Debian box without the 
need of connecting it to the network.

* It works by generating a signature of the disconnected box.
* You carry the signature to a net connected box running anything 
* apt-offline downloads all data as per the signature. This includes apt 
database, packages, bug reports. The data can be bundled to a single file to 
carry it easily on a USB stick
* The bundle file is all that is needed on the disconnected Debian box. Apt on 
this box will feel like everything was downloaded the traditional (apt-get 
update/upgrade) way.

apt-offline is available at [1] and the latest 0.9.6 release can be downloaded 
here [2]

[1] https://alioth.debian.org/projects/apt-offline/
[2] https://alioth.debian.org/frs/?group_id=100399&release_id=1450

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
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