NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 21 19:27:47 UTC 2009

On 12/20/2009 08:03 PM, Mischa Falkenburg wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Mischa did you get this sorted out, or do you still need assistance?
> Well, NoOp...you're my first response. It's still a problem, but I 
> probably didn't "help" myself any since I did a re-install of 9.04...so 
> I would assume that ALL of the "stuff" like, emails, & documents and 
> Firefox bookmarks are G-O-N-E, true?
> Mischa

Most likely when you reinstalled your data went with it. You might check
through the Wubi links to see if you can find more info:


Sorry, but I only installed via Wubi once (for testing - it worked
great), but removed the install afterwards as I use dualboot or virtual
machine systems instead for Windows.

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