Seeing screen of one computer on the other

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Dec 21 17:28:39 UTC 2009

I am familiar with the terrific Synergy application which lets one use
a single mouse and keyboard to control two computers. However, I need
the opposite: I need to see one computer's display on the other
computer's monitor. With what app can I do this?

My laptop has a bad 15.4" screen. The wife's desktop has a terrific
22" screen. Both run at 1050*1680 resolution. I would like to see the
laptop's display on the wife's screen. I have been using a KVM for
this in the past, but for whatever reason I would like to do this in
software. Both machines are behind the same router and regularly share
files. Both machines are running supported Kubuntu variants.

Dotan Cohen

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