Karmic Radeon Dual Head Trouble

Steve yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 20 19:17:01 UTC 2009

On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 18:28:34 -0000, drew einhorn <drew.einhorn at gmail.com>  

> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Marius Gedminas <marius at pov.lt> wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 12:38:27AM +0000, drew einhorn wrote:
>>> Doesn't work any better when I back  out the fglrx driver and use just
>>> the radeon driver. "Detect  Monitors"  button in Display Manager
>>> doesn't see the monitory connected to the ATI card.  Nothing is wrong
>>> with the monitor or cable.  If swap the cables plugged into the svga
>>> port is see theother monitor on the Intel graphics adapter on the
>>> motherboard.
> Didn't notice the embarrassing typos before I sent it!
>> Ah!  I'm afraid that currently dual-head with two different video cards
>> is not a supported configuration, currently.  XRandR 1.3 was supposed to
>> add support for this, but last I've heard it was delayed until XRandR
>> 1.4.
>> Dual-head with a single video card driving two monitors ought to work
>> fine, especially if you use the open-source drivers.
> Ah, good thing to know that although the approach I was taking is  
> hopeless,
> there is another approach that has possibilities.
You may be able to still use the 'old' method like

Have a search through the forums and list archives for 'dual head setup'  
and look at stuff around 3-4 years a go (There’s loads!)


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