PiTiVi (was: video conversion / editing )

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 20 03:04:34 UTC 2009

On 12/19/2009 05:27 PM, Alan McKay wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 8:14 PM, NoOp <snippedbyNoOp> wrote:
>> Do you have gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg and ffmpeg installed?
> I'll see
>> Bugs are here:
> I've hit a nice one.  Did a crapload of editing and now when I try to
> render it gets stuck in the middle.  Time to completion keeps
> increasing but the file size is not changing.   Had that happen a few
> times already.
> Oh well - I think I'm going to try to figure out that other one and
> maybe wait til this one gets a few bugs worked out.  Too bad because
> it sure is easy to use.

As with all new programs you should test w/smaller files/projects first.
BTW: I just converted a 108MB mpg file to an avi to test. the .avi file
size is 265MB and preview in pitivi works just fine (video & audio).
Haven't attempted to edit it yet, but the large file size doesn't seem
to be an issue. My system is 9.10 (32bit) 2.4Ghz/1Gb mem.

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