Is it possible to give read&write permission without delete permission?

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Thu Dec 17 19:38:59 UTC 2009

2009/12/17 sdavmor <sdavmor at>:
> Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>> 2009/12/16 Markus Schönhaber <ubuntu-users at>:
>>> 16.12.2009 18:05, Loïc Grenié:
>>>> You have to set the "sticky" bit of the directory:
>>>> chmod 1777 ~/stored
>>>> That way only the owner of the directory and root can delete
>>>> the files inside.
>>> ... and the owner of a file is allowed to delete it.
>>> -- Regards mks
>> I remember an operating system called ”Primos” by Pr1me. You could
>> specify exactly what could be done with a file or a directory and
>> by whom. I don't know exctly, but it could look something like
>> this: User1: darwx User2: arw $rest: ar
>> Maybe I remember it wrong, but something like that anyway. If you
>> had all permissions, it looked like: User3: dalurwx
>> rwx was the usual read, write and execute. I think a was for
>> ”access”, d for ”delete” but I don't remember what l and u was.
>> Maybe l was for ”list” and u was for… like what? ”update”? I also
>> think that * meant ”all permissions”.
>> I think you can install something like this in Ubuntu: sudo apt-get
>> install acl
>> I found this page:
>> Maybe a possible solution?
>> Johnny Rosenberg
> Many years since I worked on a Prime box. When I was slim and single
> and my knees didn't hurt! Primos was an outstanding Multics-derived
> O/S, and Information was a superb dbms, but Prime Computer got itself
> into that poison-pill fight with MAI/Basic 4 after the ill-conceived
> Computervision acquisition. And that was the end of that.

Still, it had some nice features…

I also remember that the command for ”change directory” was ”attach”
or just ”a”, and instead of ”/” you used ”>” which indeed makes sense:
a MyDir>MyStuff>SpecialStuff>AndSoOn…

And I also remember the command ”Chap Idle” which, in a script, means
that the script will not run if the processor is very busy, kind of…

Johnny Rosenberg

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