ramesh gandhi

Alan McKay alan.mckay at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 00:41:34 UTC 2009

> 1)Is it possible to install .exe files in Ubuntu? And how?

Not directly.  You need a MS virtual machine to do that.   Some EXE
files will run under the WINE emulation from what I understand, but
I've never done it.  Actually there is another emulation system whose
name escapes me that is pretty good at running some stuff too.

> 2)what are the executable files in Ubuntu.

The do not have a designated ending like EXE if that is what you mean.
 The are files which have the "execution bit" set in their permissions

> 3)how to install a new software in Ubuntu with out having internet?

Hmmmm, DVD I guess.   But you will be very limited.

> 4)how to edit or access the source code of Ubuntu or any application source
> code?

Hmmm, based on your other questions I think this one might be a bit
over your head :-)

“Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV”
         - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"

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