Is it possible to give read&write permission without delete permission?

James Michael Fultz croooow at
Wed Dec 16 19:40:31 UTC 2009

* bulut dinibutun <bulut19 at> [2009-12-16 16:55 +0000]:
> Hello everyone.
> I was wondering if there's any possible way to give read&write
> permission in a spesific directory without delete permission.
> Let's Say i have a directory named "stored" in home directory and i've
> set up a program so as to save snapped images automatically in that
> folder by the user who snaps the image and i only want root to delete
> any of these images regardless of whoever created it. Is this
> possible?If so how?

Set the append-only attribute on the directory.

$ sudo chattr +a ~/stored

See chattr(1) and lsattr(1) for details.

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