
Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Wed Dec 16 07:07:15 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 12:16 +0530, ramesh gandhi wrote:
> I am the starter  to Ubuntu.
> I want to know the followings:
> 1)Is it possible to install .exe files in Ubuntu? And how?

yes, using a package called "wine". to install it, go to Applications >
Ubuntu Software Center. and search for 'wine', install it, then before
you first use it, configure it by going to Applications > Wine >
Configure Wine. simply launching the configurator once is sufficient to
generate the necessary information, and you can safely close the dialog
after it opens and begin running programs.

> 2)what are the executable files in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu, and linux in general, executable files are called ELF files
(Executable Linux Files, I believe) though binaries of this type are
typically without extension. You shouldn't ever have to run one of these
by themselves, unless you know what you're doing.

> 3)how to install a new software in Ubuntu with out having internet?

For that, you should download/order the Ubuntu DVD. It comes with the
'main' repository, allowing for installation of canonical-supported
applications from the CD. for other repositories/software, you would
need to either make or order an offline repository, or downlaod the .deb
files for the programs you want yourself (not recommended unless you
know what you're doing).

> 4)how to edit or access the source code of Ubuntu or any application
> source code?

to get the source code of an application, you have to first enable the
source repo (System > Administration > Software Sources | Select "Source
Code" checkbox) then I believe you can look in Synaptic for your
program's name with -src or -dev appended to the end of it. to find out
where the files are, you can right-click on the package (once it's
installed) > Properties > Installed Files.

For non-compiled programs (such as those written in python, perl, ruby,
etc..) the program itself is the source code...simple open it with a
text editor.

Hope that helps!

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