OpenVPN Client (Clarkconnect Server)

Alan McKay alan.mckay at
Wed Dec 16 01:52:38 UTC 2009

Hey folks,

9.10 Karmic over here.

I found this link :
which does not have info on OpenVPN.

But I did find this :

Which has not info on using the GUI, which is what I'd really like to
use.  It does talk about editing a client config file to do it
manually, but I'd really like to get it going with the GUI

Using this Clark Connect doc I logged on as me on the Clark Connect
server at work and generated the certificates and keys.  I also logged
on as admin and ensured OpenVPN was turned on.

Back here at home, using the GUI to configure the VPN, I have set these fields

"gateway" - public IP of my clark box
The rest were my generated keys and certs
"User Certificate" -
"Certificate Authority"
"Private Key"
"Private Key Password"
I was not asked to make a password for my key, so I'm assuming it was
my regular user password to log into the Clark Box?

When I try to start it from the little network gadget in the top right, I get :
"Failed because there are no valid VPN secrets"

I google that error and get craploads of very different stuff of course.

I don't see anything in /var/log/messages

I have no idea where the GUI put my config info but it is not in
/etc/openvpn/ where some of the above pages say to put the manual

Based on what I see in some of the manual config stuff, I think maybe
there is a problem with the fact that my certificates and keys are
just in my home dir in a directory called "ClarkConnect".   But I
selected them there in place from the GUI so it should know where they


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         - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"

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