No display with onboard graphics

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Tue Dec 15 22:06:03 UTC 2009

Huw wrote:
> --- lenc5570 at wrote:
>> Maybe boot from live or alt Ubuntu CD, chroot into the Ubuntu partition and repair your video drivers from there.
>> Some one else will have to tell you how if you don't already know how.
> Hi, thanks for replying.  What do you mean by repairing my video drivers?  They were working fine, it's just that I've switched to onboard graphics.  But in any case, you're right, I have no idea how to do this!
> Huw
Didn't you say you video card crapped out on you and that you are now 
using the onboard card.  Unless your installed card and onboard card are 
one in the same it's likely they use different video drivers.
By repairing your video drivers, I mean uninstalling(better to purge it) 
the video drivers your card was using then installing the correct driver 
for the onboard video.  I don't remember what you said your
card and onboard brand(chipset) was since you snipped that info, but you 
could do and aptitude search or use synaptic to find which driver is 
installed, remove it and install the correct one for the onboard video.  
I think it's likely the drivers installed and what's needed are different.

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