Open Office Bug

Rick Bragg rbragg at
Tue Dec 15 22:01:13 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 15:34 -0600, Andrew Farris wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 16:30 -0500, Rick Bragg wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I wonder if it is my install, Ubuntu specific, or just a but in OO
> > 
> > when I copy a table from the spreadsheet program into the document text
> > editor and export to PDF, numbers get all messed up randomly. They
> > change into strange characters.  I have to "export to PDF" a dozen times
> > or so then it randomly will be OK.  Soooo Frustrating!  Has anyone else
> > noticed this? or is it just me?
> I've actually began noticing this recently as well, across several
> different Ubuntu machines...I thought it was just a problem with my
> cups-PDF or Adobe printer...i guess not!
> This doesn't just happen to me with tables though... I write a lot of
> technical papers, and the biggest issue I have is that it screws up my
> math formulas... reprinting it as PDF several dozen times usually fixes
> it, but as a workaround in the meantime, I usually just go File > Print
> | [x] Print to File | As .ps" then use "pstopdf" to convert it. It a
> pain, but it's less of a pain than reprinting the doc.
> I'll have to look through the OOo bugs now to see if this is being
> worked on...
> -- 
> Andrew
> _____________________________
> Registered Linux User: 473690
> Registered Ubuntu User: 22747

Thanks Andrew, 

That seems like a good workaround for now.


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