RPM and DEB compatibility

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Tue Dec 15 19:48:59 UTC 2009

"Rallias UberNerd" <robinstar1574 at gmail.com> writes:

> I recently took the time to make a really cool special self-made distro of
> Linux. However, I want to be able to use both RPM servers and DEB servers
> to update things with. I don't wish to use the one special piece of
> software allready out their to turn RPM's into DEB's, because then I can
> only use DEB servers to update easily, and I want both to have equal
> precidence (the higher version wins out). Am I being impossible or is
> their a way to do this?

 * Most likely quite a lot of the software will not work if you mix
   packages from different distributions
 * There's no way to resolve the dependencies using packages from
   different distributions
 * Comparing version numbers isn't that easy as most distributions apply
   their own patches and use their own system of package version
   numbering that often is different from the software version numbers


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