Backup and Restore

kate katie2009 at
Tue Dec 15 08:34:37 UTC 2009

Home user backup and restore dose not backup the whole hard drive or
files, for example I have 3 gig of files when using the programs
described they only backup 200 mb of data.

There is a program called ghost 12 for windows xp which backs up all
files and directories, data to a external hard drive or any other
recordable media that is on the market.

With Ubuntu I have tried the two programs that work in terminal and the
graphic home user backup and restore, also simple backup config and all
these programs only back up part of the hard drive not the entire
operating system.

With ghost 12 it backs up the whole system and returns it to new, ghost
12 is a bit messy to use but dose the trick.

With Ubuntu is there a program that will back up the whole operating
system and restore it the present condition as it was when backed up.

All the back up programs in Ubuntu only save a small proportion of the
data, I have tried setting the programs to save all the directories,
tried every setting possible and only can save a small parts of the

Also with the dump command it treats the hard drive as a tape storage
device in the sense that it only stores data on the hard drive and
erases the rest plus other problems as well.

Thanks Katie

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