Installing Tar

R Kimber richardkimber at
Sun Dec 13 19:15:14 UTC 2009

On Sun, 13 Dec 2009 17:43:16 +0000
Anthony M. Rasat wrote:

> >How do I install a Tar file, used terminal without any success.  
> Try: tar xfvz tarfile.tar.gz
> Or: tar xfvj tarfile.tar.bz2
> Or tar xfv tarfile.tar
> Notice the extension differences. This assuming you want to extract tar
> file, not creating them.

I tend to create a directory and perform one of the above actions from
within that directory, because I find that some tar files just dump their
extracted files in the current directory. This can be rather messy if the
current directory contains a lot of files. Most tar files don't behave
like this, but I like to play safe.

- Richard.
Richard Kimber
Political Science Resources

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