iptables + multiple gateways not firewalling

Werner Schram wrschram at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 13:44:18 UTC 2009

Hi Ian,

Ian Coetzee wrote:
> On 12/12/2009 15:25, Ian Coetzee wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Werner Schram<wrschram at gmail.com>  wrote: 
>>> So the rules are evaluated in order of the priority given to them, and
>>> evaluation stops once a rule is matched. So I think that because your
>>> SMTP traffic matches rule 0, rule 32765 will not be evaluated. So
>>> editing rule 0 to not match 0x10 should solve this problem.     
>    OK an update on this status.
> I reverted back to using only one interface, and surprise, surprise, it 
> works. The only thing I changed was to move the IP to eth0 (as well as 
> all the related routes).
> Now I have a question. Why does it work using one ether, but not two? My 
> guess is that it sets all the packets to be routed out through eth0, 
> then it gets marked and by then its to late (thats just my theory, prove 
> me wrong please :) )
No, I think you are right, look at your mangle section in your iptables 
setup (I copied this from your original mail, so it still includes the 
--sport setup):

#mark outgoing tcp/25 packets for routing
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 25 -j MARK --set-mark 0x10

The mark target is in the POSTROUTING section, which if after the the 
nexthop and the interface has been decided. So you should move it to 


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