Permission denied error message.

Ray Parrish crp at
Sun Dec 13 07:36:29 UTC 2009

Ray Parrish wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to run a script I wrote, and I get the following 
> non-specific error message -
> ray at RaysComputer:~$ /home/ray/SoftwareReport/ "gedit"
> bash: /home/ray/SoftwareReport/ Permission denied
> The script has been given permissions to execute for myself as user, and 
> the group.
> The script is too big to paste in here, but maybe the main program can 
> give someone a clue, as I have no idea what else could cause this error. 
> Here is the main program for the script.
> # Main program starts here.
> #
> # Declare global array.
> declare -a LineData
> # Declare global variables.
> declare -i LoopCount=0
> declare -i URLCount=0
> DirectoryName=`dirname $0`
> echo "Directory name - $DirectoryName"
> cd $DirectoryName
> # Get the passed in PackageName for this run of the script.
> PackageName="$1"
> # Load the array with lines from "dpkg -p $PackageName" output.
> ReadintoArray
> # Get the section name for this package.
> SectionName=`GetSectionName`
> # Generate filename for this section's HTML file.
> FileName="$SectionName.html"
> # Output results of this script to this package's HTML file.
> cat >>"$DirectoryName/$FileName" << EOF
> <table><tbody>
> `WriteTopSection`
> `WriteDescription`
> `WriteEndSection`
> </tbody></table>
> <br>
> exit
> Can anyone please tell me some of the common causes for the Permission 
> Denied error message please?
> Thank you, Ray Parrish
Never mind, I was checking the permissions on a similarly named file, 
instead of the script I was trying to execute. Duuuuhhhh!!! 8-)

Later, Ray Parrish

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