How to install Thunderbird3
glgxg at
Sat Dec 12 04:30:54 UTC 2009
On 12/10/2009 08:10 PM, Scott wrote:
> On 09-12-10 10:31 PM, Mani wrote:
>> I am new to Ubuntu(Just installed and trying to locate software). And
>> this is the first time I am working (with a serious intent) on Linux. I
>> am not able to find new releases of Netbeans and Thunderbird in the
>> UBuntu Software center or the Synaptic package manager. Does it take
>> some time for new versions of software or new software to appear in
>> these centers?
> Software is normally updated with each six month release. You can use
> backports (unsupported updates), but they only support certain software
> and is usually a little bit behind.
> For Thunderbird check out
> Take a look at
> Manual instructions for installing the newest Thunderbird. It mentions
> version 2, but works just as good for version 3 as it mentions. I just
> did that myself today and it worked fine for me on Ubuntu 9.10.
For others, that are not interested in ppa's (which are, afterall ppa's:
Personal Package Archives and are subject to go away at the ppa
maintainer's whim (Ubuntu OOo is a prime example)[1], or ubuntuzilla,
I'd simply recommend that you download the latest version from, extract to a home folder, and run from there. No
root/superuser issues, no cluttering up system folders, and no issues in
obtaining updates when they become available from mozilla. No added
Ubuntu add-in's (like the Firefox Google issue).
Creating an Applications|Internet|Thunderbird3 (or SeaMonkey or Firefox)
launcher is considerably easier than going through all the
aforementioned suggestions.
I seldom use Thunderbird, except for testing (I use SeaMonkey), but
firing up Thunderbird3 from a home folder, checking the version:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091130
Lightning/1.0b1pre Thunderbird/3.0
and updating via the Help|Check for updates
pulls in the most recent update and now shows:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091204
Lightning/1.0b1pre Thunderbird/3.0
Doesn't get much simpler than that.
If anyone is wondering about the 'Lightning/1.0b1pre', it simply a
test/prerelease version of the Lightning Calendar from the nightlies
that works remarkably well in both Thunderbird and SeaMonkey.
Thunderbird et al are available here:
[1] Now who would have thought that a ppa by the primary maintainer of
Ubuntu's would have simply deleted his ppa archives?
Empty for now, will likely have OOo 3.2.0/3.2.1 debs for Karmic/Lucid
later in the cycle.
If you want OOo 3.1.1 upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic).
Also has OOo 3.1.1 debs for Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) - unsupported.
Also see:
Use PPA's at your own risk. They have very useful purposes; but like any
other unsupported repository, they also have their risks. Just be aware
of those risks.
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