Supressing an error message in bash script

Ray Parrish crp at
Sat Dec 12 03:23:50 UTC 2009

Neil Cherry wrote:
> On 12/11/2009 09:40 PM, Ray Parrish wrote:
>> function ArrayLoad {
>>       PackageData=`"dpkg -p gedit"` 2> /dev/null
> Try it without the double quotes. Does that do what you want?
Wirhout the double quotes nothing gets loaded into the array.. Also 
nothing gets loaded into the array with my original code, as the output 
thst I thought ewas being generated by that function, was actually being 
output by the following function which works very nicely. I had 
forgotten to comment out it's call in my test code so it was generating 
the loop output before the only output of the first function I quoted 
which was the error message.

# Test array assignment from variable line by line
function ReadintoArray {
     PackageData=`dpkg -p gedit`
     while read ThisLine; do
           echo "$LoopCount - ${Data[$LoopCount]}"
           (( LoopCount++ ))
     done <<<"$PackageData"

I guess I'll go with this second version which works great, unless 
someone can tell me how to load the array with a single call like I was 
trying in the other function. Just looking for the most efficient way to 
get the data into the array line by line.

Later,Ray Parrish

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