Virtualization of 64bits SO'es

Werner Schram wrschram at
Fri Dec 11 14:35:28 UTC 2009

Hi Juan,

Juan Jesús Cremades Monserrat wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm preparnig a dedicated server for virtualization with JeOS. I know that
> JeOs uses the 32 bits architecture. But if I virtualize any system which
> uses 64 bits architecture, this one use all the resources of my server?
> Thanks!
And in another email (JeOS for 64 bits machies):
> I want to run a virtualization server and I've reading the features of JeOS.
> About the architecture, the web sais that supports the x86 architecture, but
> my quiestion is if this includes the 64bits. My machine has a Xeon E5405
> with 64 bits.

The two messages you sent to the list are slightly confusing. In one you 
ask if the JeOS images include 64bit support, and in the other one you 
say that you know that they are 32bit. So I hope I am understanding your 
questions right.

According to the information on the ubuntu site, the JeOS images are 
only available in 32bit (i386 images) and only for ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10. 
32bit images can be run on both 64bit and 32bit hosts in both KVM and 
full virtualization. Paravirtualization might require some tinkering, 
but since your processor is capable of KVM, you shouldn't worry about that.

As for your question if your 32bit host can use all resources of the 
server: They can use every resource that is assigned to them, except for 
memory. The amount of memory you can assign to a 32bit vm is limited to 
4GB (with the possible exception of PAE enabled vm's, but I don't know 
if PAE is even possible for virtual machines).

I hope this answers your questions. If it doesn't just reply (and maybe 
clarify your questions a bit)


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