Upgrading flshplugin

stan stanb at panix.com
Fri Dec 11 11:03:18 UTC 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 06:55:38PM -0800, NoOp wrote:
> On 12/10/2009 06:23 PM, stan wrote:
> ...
> > What I want to do is simply place the downlaoded tarball, or wahtever
> > that the outside acess machine obtains, in the place that the insied
> > machies would have downloaded it to, then apt-get should eb able to
> > finsih the job.
> > 
> *Please* stop sending your responses directly to the list user; we all
> read the list and don't need added msgs. Just respond to the list please
> - ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com. :-)
> Regarding your other machines, I've already shown you how to find the
> proper .so & location. So copy that .so to the other machines. Or
> install directly from Adobe [1], or fix your proxy.
> Using adobe-flashplugin will *always* go out to adobe and download the
> update; Ubuntu do not keep Adobe's flash code on their repositories. See:
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/flashplugin-installer
> [1]
> http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/productinfo/instructions/


Doing so will put your system in a state that is not what the packaging
system expects and sooner or later this will cause our packaging system to
be unable to properly maintain your system.

You should NEVER manually change files maintained by the packaging system,
other than config files.

If you want to maintain anything, including flash plugin OUTSIDE the
packaging system, start off by deleting the package, so that the packing
system has no knowledge of the files involved.

Of course, doing this means it is now your responsibility to take care of
these files forever.

And to the original poster, figure out how to configure your MUA,  or get a
real one!
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