[Resolved] Re: GNU GRUB 1.97~beta4 error: invalid signature, press any key to continue

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Fri Dec 11 02:57:51 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> On 12/10/2009 05:21 PM, Jeremy Sellors wrote:
> ....
>> Thanks for the help.
>> I followed a previous post on this list; "Grub beta issue with Kernal  
>> update/upgrade" by Goh Lip.
>> I sustituded the -generic with -server but made a typo and it did not  
>> work. so then I typed 'e' at the grub list which then shows an  
>> editable frame with the results of the commands showing so I edited  
>> the mistake I had made and I was able to boot Ubuntu Server. Then I  
>> ran the:
>> sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>> and I was able to boot into Windows 7.
>> Checking the emac grub window again I was able to see the results of  
>> the grub-mkconfg
> Cool! Thanks for updating w/the resolution (and thanks Gho Lip :-).
> For the archives, Gho's instructions are here:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2009-December/203949.html
> [Grub beta issue with Kernal update/upgrade]
Great to hear you've got it solved, Jeremy. I was wondering what could 
have gone wrong with your problem, but with nothing I can contribute 
except probably a "grub-install" again, I did want to add further that 
cannot contribute. But it's good to know it's just a typo and not 
something that's really wrong.

Thanks for your comments Noob, appreciate it.

Goh Lip

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