That Code of Conduct
Alan Pope
alan at
Thu Dec 10 21:20:41 UTC 2009
2009/12/10 Robert Holtzman <holtzm at>:
> Great or not, it says what it says. A lot of laws aren't worded well but
> until they are changed they stand as written.
It's not a law, a statute. It's a bit of non-immutable documentation
on a developer wiki. Anyone with a launchpad ID can change it. If "we"
(the community including members of this mailing list) think that it's
inappropriate, inaccurate, misleading or in any way not representing
the state of affairs then we should change it like any other page on
the site.
Let's not get bogged down in the minutiae of one line of text on that
wiki which appears to be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Let's
instead look at the very plain and clear:-
"Observe the Ubuntu code of conduct."
"The Ubuntu code of conduct governs all interaction within the Ubuntu
community. Because mailing lists form an integral part of that
interaction, it is especially important to bear the code of conduct in
mind at all times. Mailing list users should read the code of conduct
in full, and if possible, should digitally sign a copy."
I'm not about waving the code of conduct around like a stick, but if
people on this list are going to misinterpret one line of the wiki
then it seems only appropriate to find another document which seeks to
clarify the situation.
Of course the page on above isn't exempt from having errors
and omissions, and I'd encourage anyone who feels that there are
mistakes to file those issues as bugs in launchpad:-
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