+1 for removing Karl from the list

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 19:55:59 UTC 2009

Hermann J. Beckers wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 10 Dezember 2009 schrieb ruscook:
>> Oh it's fun to watch how someone as stupid as Karl can rile everyone
>> else up - gone fishing and caught  'em hook, line and sinker! <g>
> Me thinks Karl is just trying to live up to that four letter word in his last 
> name l*n ...
>> Ignore him for gods sake, or bin his posts if the bandwidth annoys you.
> +1 to that.
> Yours
> hjb

	The number one thing wrong with this Ubuntu list is that 
Ubuntu 9.04, and 9.10 are working fine! There are little 
complaints that usually boil down to a computer problem.

	There are a bunch of people who like to write to this list 
who are bored. So they send quick notes that solve nothing. 
And they use my message about how bad Obama is as the vehicle.

	This is fine because as a long retired business man I had to 
read a lot of stuff that turned out to be of no value to me. I 
got to where I could figure out what the email was about and 
delete it if needed.

	I am happy that the person who runs this list does not listen 
to any of you. He/She has experience with you and just ignores it.

	By the way my last Name is Larsen. I can't see anything wrong 
with this.

	In about 4 months the new LTS version of Ubuntu will come out 
and you can all yell about how bad it is. So relax and let it 
go. Your not hurting me, and not causing any problem with the 
list, except keeping up the stupid vendetta makes for a lot of 
list mail I just delete. Actually I like to see what you can 
come up with. But of late it has not been very good.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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