Terminal resolution on Ubuntu server?

Knute Johnson knute2009 at knutejohnson.com
Thu Dec 10 17:27:33 UTC 2009

Andrew Farris wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 21:42 +0100, Werner Schram wrote:
>> Knute Johnson wrote:
> [snip]
>>> The problem is that I have a hard time reading it without my glasses and 
>>> would love to put it back to something a little less dense.  Anybody 
>>> know how to adjust that?  I want to keep the color though.
>> If you are using pure textmode, you can use the svgatextmode package. 
>> This will install the SVGATextMode command, and the /etc/TextMode config 
>> file.
> you can also set the resolution via a kernel boot argument, via adding
> something to the effect of "vga=###" to the end of the kernel line in
> grub, where ### is a number code, specifying a resolution.
> For more info, see this help page about the console framebuffer:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConsoleFramebuffer
> Hope that helps! 

Thanks for the suggestions guys.  I'll report back it I figure it out.


Knute Johnson
knute2009 at knutejohnson.com

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