partition advice

Gary Kirkpatrick pegngary at
Thu Dec 10 15:10:57 UTC 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Avi Greenbury <
avismailinglistaccount at> wrote:

> Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
> > I need help with partitions again.  I have attached a copy of a
> > screen shot from gparted which should help.
> First tip - if you set a delay of, say, two seconds, it gives you time
> to minimise the screenshot utility window, which makes for more useful
> screenshots. As it is, I'm not sure it's obscured anything overly
> useful here.
> > This Dell notebook came with 8.1 installed.  I do not want it any
> > more.  I have 9.10 installed in both English and Spanish (so I can
> > teach it here in Panama).
> You can use multiple languages on a single install, which is likely to
> be easier for you.
> > I do not know how to get rid of 8.10.   I > can not delete it, it
> > appears, though I have not tried from a live USB (another problem).
> > Since the 8.10 is not mounted I figure I should be able to delete it
> > and expand the data partiion no problem.
> How are you trying to delete it? What exactly happens? What error
> messages come up?
> Also, which partition is what? It's hard to tell from that screenshot.
> --
> Avi Greenbury

trying to delete it using gparted.  It simply will not allow that option.  I
am trying to do it within 9.10 (english version) since I can not get gparted
to install on USB storage devices and I am concerned that since 8.1 is
installed on sda/1, deleting it may cause me to ahve to reinstall


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