That Code of Conduct

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Thu Dec 10 11:52:57 UTC 2009

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:37:22 +0000
Avi Greenbury <avismailinglistaccount at> wrote:

> I find it difficult to accept the idea that the rules and code of
> conduct of this list and others applies only to those who have already
> made significant and sustained contribution to the community - the
> chance that this is what was meant by the wording are vanishingly
> small.

Yes, you are undoubtedly right.  It seems to be a case of, " 'I' wrote
that, he wrote this, she wrote the other," without much
cross-communication between, "he, she and 'I'."

Defining terms is /so/ tiresome sometimes, but also /so/ important.

Cybe R. Wizard
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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