Terminal resolution on Ubuntu server?

Werner Schram wrschram at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 20:42:15 UTC 2009

Knute Johnson wrote:
> I recently upgraded my server machine from 9.04 to 9.10 and the 
> resolution of the terminal went from 24 lines x 80 characters to 48 
> lines and a bunch of characters.  It's also in color which is cool.
> The problem is that I have a hard time reading it without my glasses and 
> would love to put it back to something a little less dense.  Anybody 
> know how to adjust that?  I want to keep the color though.
If you are using pure textmode, you can use the svgatextmode package. 
This will install the SVGATextMode command, and the /etc/TextMode config 
file. I think in needs some tweaking to get it running though, when I 
tried it, it was referencing a font file which didn't exist on my 
system. You could also setup a framebuffer console, They often are a bit 
slower, but you should have a wider selection of fonts and resolutions.


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