apt-get dist-upgrade, and X issues

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 9 15:03:02 UTC 2009

--- On Wed, 12/9/09, stan <stanb at panix.com> wrote:

From: stan <stanb at panix.com>
Subject: Re: apt-get dist-upgrade, and X issues
To: "NoOp" <glgxg at sbcglobal.net>
Cc: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 6:57 AM

On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 11:58:32AM -0800, NoOp wrote:
> On 12/06/2009 08:50 AM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > --- On Sun, 12/6/09, stan <> wrote:
> ...
> >> 
> >> My problem seesm to be related to hal not starting up properly,
> >> gien that X now defaults to starting with no valid input devices,
> >> this will result in exactly what I am seeing. Personally, I think
> >> this is a bad default.
> >> 
> > That's exactly what my issue appears to be.  The last two links above
> > address that issue to some extent.  Have you tried either or both
> > yet?  Would like to know how it turned out if you do. Modifying your
> > xorg.conf file is safe if you make a backup of your origina which you
> > can restore from recovery mode boot in case you can't get back into X
> > windows.
> ...
> Perhaps:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/491483
> [Since failsafe-x was enabled in karmic it starts if gdm is disabled and
> kdm is used. (low graphics mode error)]
> Note: ran across this today while checking what the new gdm update was
> related to.
> 2.28.1-0ubuntu2
> Publishing details
>     * Published on 2009-11-30
> Changelog
> gdm (2.28.1-0ubuntu2) karmic-proposed; urgency=low
>   * Don't respawn gdm on failure; this lets us capture X failures
> instead and
>     trigger the bulletproof X handler here.  LP: #441638.
>   * re-export any XORGCONFIG value passed to the upstart job, needed to
>     complete integration with bulletproof X.  LP: #474806.

As a followup, I thought I could "fix" this problem by simply apt-get
remove'ing gdm. However doing so will also remove ubuntu-dsktop, which
sounds like somehting that I don;t think I want to do :-(

Removing ubuntu-desktop wont hurt your Ubuntu OS or your gnome desktop and you can add it back at anytime.  However, as NoOp mentioned, installing the latest gdm on Karmic has fixed the issue.  Did for me and likely others suffering with the issue.  But to help remove your concerns, I just purged both kubuntu- and ubuntu-desktops on my karmic using aptitude and it only removed the specified packages.  Rebooted into each desktop without any issues.  And again, if you had any trouble' just reinstall them.  BTW, I composed this email after purging both desktops and rebooting with kde and sent it with gnome.  You have nothing to worry about.

Leonard Chatagnier

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