other partition question

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 9 09:23:00 UTC 2009

2009/12/9 James Michael Fultz <croooow at gmail.com>:
> * Gary Kirkpatrick <pegngary at gmail.com> [2009-12-08 20:23 -0500]:
>> So i created a partion called data.  When I go to store files in data, that
>> action is not permittted.  There is one more thing I need to do and can not
>> seem to find what that is.  I bet one of you knows just what to do.  I have
>> had this problem once before and i have forgotten the solution.
> Change ownership, permissions or both on the mount point to permit
> writing to the appropriate user or users.  Alternatively, create
> per-user subdirectories beneath the mount point and set ownership and
> permission for those individually.
> Examples, entered at the shell prompt ($) in a terminal:
> Change ownership of mount point ('/data') to owner "youruser".
> $ chown youruser /data
> Change permissions to allow any user file and directory creation but may
> only remove files or directories belonging to them (like on '/tmp').
> $ chmod 1777 /data

I think those may have to be
sudo chown ... and sudo chmod ...


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