Disable IPv6 in Ubuntu 9.10

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 17:46:51 UTC 2009

> It seems that appending "blacklist ipv6" in
> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf never work.

> Only method work is editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, adding ipv6.disable=1.

> Anyone get the same experience?

Yes. I have forgotten when it started but there was a point where most
distribution compiled their kernels with "CONFIG_IPV6=y" so the sysctl
and modprobe methods of disabling ipv6 stopped working. From 2.6.30,
it has become possible to disable ipv6 without recompiling the kernel
with the 'ipv6.disable=1" menu.lst/grub.cfg kernel option.

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