Grub beta issue with Kernal update/upgrade

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Tue Dec 8 14:23:25 UTC 2009

mdovell at wrote:
> Recently there was a kernal upgrade/update. I can boot my pc and get

  an option of windows or ubuntu. If I select ubuntu it puts 
it into a

  some beta grub...I get the command line but I'm not sure 
what to do now. I can reboot by typing reboot but that's about 
it. Is there a way to boot into a safe mode from the prompt?
> I think this is a grub error rather than the OS itself. 

I don't like these betas of grub they tend not to work for 
	I am going to guess your using Karmic 9.10 and the grub you 
have is version 2 and your file system is ext4. As for the 
kernel update I got it in my Karmic and there were zero problems.

	Is my guess right? Can you still boot up with an earlier kernel?

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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