getting rid of gdm's user list (Karmic)

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Tue Dec 8 13:21:54 UTC 2009

08.12.2009 13:34, Avi Greenbury:

> Markus Schönhaber wrote:
>> 08.12.2009 12:29, Adam Funk:
>>> Has anyone succeeded in getting rid of the user list in the new
>>> (Karmic) gdm login screen?  (I do *not* want auto-log-in.)
> This, to the best of my knowledge, no longer works. I think it was an
> update either shortly before or shortly after Karmic's release.

It does still work (even on a completely up-to-date Karmic install).

> I can't remember the details of the working method, but it involves
> updating the Gnome preferences as user 'gdm', since this is whose gnome
> preferences are used before login.

Of course. And that is exactly what the command, described in NoOp's
post I referred to above, does.


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