how to fileshare with bittorrent in ubuntu

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Mon Dec 7 10:06:40 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 02:59 +0000, user1 wrote:
> I am curious about why it is a danger to the film industry that private 
> people do filesharing using bittorrent, when I cannot make it work in 
> ubuntu 9.04.

bittorrenting is about as much of a threat to the flim industry today as
the VHS was to the television industry in the 1970s. They are simply
overreacting to something over which they have no control.

> I have tried several bittorrent clients and made .torrent files for a 
> video of some 29 mb, but I cannot make it work.
> I have even had 2 different bittorrent clients sitting seeding the file, 
> but it still does not work.
> I also have the video together with its .torrent file sitting on a 
> webserver (a webhotel).
> What am I doing wrong?

No idea to be honest... I've never tried it before, so I couldn't tell
you. though now that i've read everything you went through, I may try it
over the break when i've got more time on my hands.

In case you haven't seen this yet, maybe something here will be helpful: 

> Maybe it only works in windows - or is it a commercial only item, 
> disguised as private filesharing?

No, and No.

> I find it less easy getting help on this ubuntu-users mailing list, and 
> even googling gives less usable answers to me?

less easy than what? It looked to me as though you got plenty of answers
on your last thread... Though I admit, I never read through all of it
until just now, namely because from the title, and the fact that it
already had replies, I figured that the problem had already been solved.

I honestly don't know why it's not working for you though... it appears
that you have:
      * a .torrent file, referencing a file wish to make available
      * the file you want to make available, on the web someplace / the
        file on a computer with the torrent file open, seeding for said

As far as I understand bittorrent, that should be enough... though I
recall you saying something in your other thread that you saw connected
peers, but the connection was idle... it could be that the peers with
the file aren't reporting themselves as seeds for some reason... no

If you'd like, I can try to help with seeding/downloading the file like
Amedee did, to see if we can get this file it's own little swarm

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