reverse rsync mistake?

Werner Schram wrschram at
Sun Dec 6 20:46:12 UTC 2009

fuxiao xin wrote:
> Dear all,
> I mistakenly used rsync just now,   instead of doing "rsync source 
> dest", I did  "rsync dest source". So I lost all my files.... Crying~
> Is there a way to reverse this action?  Thanks a millon~ 
Well, I can't reccomend easy to use tools, but there are some options. 
Your best changes of recovering anything are when you make sure there 
are no write operations on the partition, because every write operation 
can overwrite your lost data. If your lost data is on the same partition 
as the /var partition, you should use boot a live cd (your ubuntu 
installation cd), and do it from there.

If you are useing ext3, maybe ext3grep can help you to recover some files:

For reiserfs, maybe this is useful:

I hope this helps


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