32 or 64 bit?

Pedro Francisco pedrogfrancisco at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 12:22:32 UTC 2009

On a 64 bit system?
I know on a 32 bit system it works well -- I'm using it. On a 64 bits it
should depend.

I'll quote myself somewhere on this thread:
General topic which includes VirtualBox:



Sáb, 2009-12-05 às 13:10 +0100, Odd escreveu:
> Pedro Francisco wrote:
> > I haven't *tested* it but according to what I've read on the pages I had
> > mentioned unless I have hardware virtualization extensions, which I
> > don't, I won't be able to virtualize *anything*.
> Not true. Both VMWare and Virtualbox will run fine on a processor
> without hardware virtualization extensions. So you've been
> misinformed. Did you supply the links to those pages you're
> talking about? I'd like to contact those writing such bullshit,
> and set them straight if that's what they've been writing.
> -- 
> Odd

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