Numeric keypad not working.

Fred Roller froller at
Thu Dec 3 04:52:36 UTC 2009

Steve wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 10:23:45 -0000, Carl Friis-Hansen  
> <ubuntuuser at> wrote:
>> On Wed, December 2, 2009 11:15, Ray Parrish wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have an HP keyboard a friend gave me, and for some reason the numeric
>>> keypad isn't working in Ubuntu. It works just fine in Windows, so I'm
>>> assuming there is something wrong with the setting for which keyboard is
>>> configured.
>>> Can someone point out my options, and a method of solving the problem?
>> I guess you just need to select the layout than matches your keyboard.
>> Assuming you are using Gnome desktop, you would probably like to go to:
>> System --> Preferences --> Keyboard --> Layouts --> Keyboard model:
>> and choose for example "Generic 105-key (Intl) PC"
> Have you pressed the Num Lock key.  I have a Packard Bell keyboard that  
> has the Num Lock LED on after boot up but, the Num Lock key has to bee  
> pressed twice to key the numeric pad to work.
Same here.  Ubuntu starts with the numbers turned off, at least in every 
build I have done, and num lock needs to be pressed.  Usually only needs 
to be done the first time and is remembered.


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